Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hitting the road in Arizona.

Camping out on the beauty parlour floor of the most generous woman in Safford, AZ. Looks like we're lugging around a lot of stuff, hey!?

Before a long day of climbing all the mountains in the distance. 5000ft climbing that day.

The 'Opera House' in Pinos Altos, NM.

Relaxing at Gila Hot Springs. Totally worth the 77 mile, hilly detour!

In our non-cycling clothes, checking out the Gila Cliff Dwellings in new Mexico.

Matt's so excited that we reached the top of Emory Pass, our highest point on the ride (8225 ft) that the tries to get a bit higher.  Is that a good enough close-up of the spandex for ya, Anthony?? :)

Riding through the pecan orchards outside of Las Cruces, NM. Also where we met our first fellow cross-country cyclist.

Woot woot, made it to Texas! And only 1000 miles of Texas left to go!

We saw this for a looooong time. Had a pretty brutal headwind that day. Also note how big the chip seal roads wonder I've had a few broken spokes so far on this section!

Riding towards Alpine, TX.

In a car finally!! This was a luxurious trip to us down to Big Bend Nat'l Park. Matt thought he was still on the bike tho, clearly. Good to know you're well hydrated Matt! 

Hiking in Big Bend on our days off.

A typical roadside lunch stop - peanut butter on whole wheat tortillas as trucks rush by, any takers?

Yum!  A not-so-typical but certainly delicious lunch stop at Rudy's BBQ in Del Rio, Texas.

Alison at the top of our last big climb in Texas hill country.

The little towns in Texas hill country are so cute! Comfort, TX.

Checking out the Austin Farmer's Market and SXSW music festival with Sal and Dora, our hosts for the long weekend. Thanks heaps for the hospitality guys! PS - Alison was on the phone with the bike shop, getting bad news re: fixing her broken spokes. FYI any future cycle tourists, don't set off across country with a wheel that no one else in the country carries!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Photos Guys! ...Keep them coming! Lovely to chat to you on email the other day Alison. Speak to you soon. Bek x
